ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    The Rift Evolution and Metallogenic Regularities of Gold Ores of the Western part of Beishan in Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 新疆北山裂谷构造带,呈北东东—北西西向展布,是在塔里木地块太古界、元古界的基础上开裂演化而成,总体呈两地块夹裂谷的构造格局,经历了-C、O—S、C—P3次大规模的裂开与闭合、由南向北迁移的演化模式。在该裂谷带晚古生代沉积盖层中分布着一系列不同类型的金矿(点),并划分了多个Au成矿亚带。笔者所论为新疆北山晚古生代金(铜)级成矿带金矿的成矿规律。根据赋矿岩系划分为6类,矿石建造划分为4类,分别为石英脉型、破碎蚀变岩型、破碎蚀变岩型+石英脉型、中酸性岩浆热液型,以石英脉+破碎蚀变岩型为主。控矿因素为沉积建造(火山岩-碎屑岩及碳质岩系)、韧-脆性断裂、岩浆岩等;成矿时代为华力西晚期、印支期、燕山期和喜马拉雅期,成矿作用与各期构造活动同步或准同步。


      Abstract: The continental rift tectonic belt of western Beishan in Xinjiang province was occurred on the basis of Archean-Proterozoic layers of Tarim block, bearing a block-rift-block,tectonic pattern, which along NEE-NWW had ever underwent 3 distinct large-scale convergence and disconvergence events as well as evolution model changed from South to North in ∈,O-S、C-P, respectively. There were many distinct types of Au ores exposed in the Pelaozoic deposits, and contained many of Au-metallogenic subzone. The discussion presented in this paper is the Pelaozoic Vlevel Au-Cu metallogenic regularity of Beishan in Xinjiang province1 For ore-hosting rock types it can divide in to six types,the ore-bearing rocks were composed of 4 distinct types:quartz vein,cataclastic alteration,quartz vein and cataclastic a lteration, in termediateacid magmatic hydrothermal,among of which the quartz vein and cataclastical teration was a domination. The ore-controlling factors were stratig raphy formation,lithological formation(volcanic rock, clastic rock and Ca rbonaceous series),ductile-brittle fracture,magmatic rock and so on,the first three types are mainly. Mineralization epochis Hercynian,Indo-Chinese and Himalayan,and the tectonic movement is synchronize with the Hercynian.


