莫海拉亨铅锌矿地处三江北段成矿带北缘的结多弧后前陆盆地,含矿层位主要为下石炭统杂多群碳酸盐组,赋矿地层及北西西向断裂为重要的控矿因素,矿石矿物主要为方铅矿、闪锌矿、褐铁矿等。对研究区铅同位素研究显示,铅石矿μ多为9.27~9.77,μ平均值小于9.58,ω平均值为39.99,铅同位素组成具有正常铅演化特征;铅石矿206Pb /204Pb 一般为18.51~18.92, 208Pb/204Pb平均为38.64,具稳定同位素组成的特性;在Zartman铅同位素构造模式图中,铅成矿物质具有壳幔演化的特征。由上所述,莫海拉亨铅锌矿主要赋存于厚-巨厚层状碳酸盐岩中,且成矿与岩浆活动无直接关系,反映研究区Pb来源于上地壳含矿建造,赋矿地层或次级断裂构造交汇部位是成矿或找矿的有利部位。
Mohailaheng lead-zinc deposit is located in Jieduo back-arc foreland basin of the northrim ofthe north of Sanjiang metallogenic belt,its main ore-bearing horizon is the lowercarboniferous supported heteropoly group of carbonate group,Containing ore formation andNWW fracture are important ore-controlling factors. Ore minerals are mainly galena,sphalerite,limonite and so on. The research results of lead isotope in the study area show that lead quarries μ is 9.27-9.77, the average of μis less than 9.58,the average of ωis 39.99,lead isotopic composition has the characteristics of normal lead evolution. Lead quarries 206Pb /204Pb is 18.51-18.92, the average of 208Pb /204Pb is 38.64, with the characteristics of stable isotopic composition. Lead mineralizing materials have the characteristics of crust-mantle evolution in Zartman lead isotope structure. Based on the above analysis, Mohailaheng lead-zinc mine mainly occurs in thick-super thick layers of carbonate rocks,and the mineralization had no direct relation to magmatic activity, which reflected that the lead came from lead mine construction of the upper earth′s crust. lead containing formation or subprime fracture intersection part are favorable met allogenic or prospecting positions.